Walker Custom Homes & Remodeling

Choosing an architectural style for your custom home

Step 1: Find and Purchase a Lot You Love

The land will determine many factors, so it’s ideal to discuss it before deciding on the location of your home. As mentioned in our previous blog, the land you purchase for your future custom home should reflect your overall lifestyle with accessibility to locations you frequent and ample land for your needs. Does the lot have enough land for animals? How close is your land to grocery stores and school or to your place of work? Consider these factors as you are purchasing your lot. 


Step 2: Determine if the location fits your style

Think about the type of home you want to have and if your location will match its style and function. Other than accessibility to frequent locations, consider the layout of the land. 

 Make sure to answer these questions: 

Do you want a developed or undeveloped lot? 

How close do you need to be to the city? 

Will you be using your land for anything other than having a residence?

Is the land oriented in a way that your house will have privacy, quiet, and high market value?  


Step 3: Determine the number of people who will be living in the home. 

It’s important to keep this in mind when it comes to planning the room layout of the home. Knowing the number of people living in your home will help you and your building team determine the number of rooms in your home, thereby narrowing down what layout your future custom home will have. Make sure to plan for new additions to the family as well!


Step 4: Call Walker Custom Homes for a quote!

Determining these factors will provide you and your building team with freedom to customize your home to your liking. Here at Walker Homes, we’ll have an upfront and honest discussion with you about your budget, style and layout to provide a realistic estimation on a price. 


Ready to get started? Call us now for your quote!

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